LGBTQIAP+ people in Poland & how you can help

article 18 is a documentary about marriage (in)equality in poland - you can rent it for 10zł (approx. 2€)

the video from bbc showing the situation of lgbtq+ people in poland before the election
note: andrzej duda is re-elected

The first-ever pride parade in białystok and the violence from the far-right groups during the march, there were even bombs brung by 2 people, it could led to a very deadly attack

"lgbt-free zones" stickers in a news magazine in 2019 resulted to the fact, that now 1/3 of poland are "lgbt-free zones"

one of the lgbt activists, bart staszewski makes the signs for the muncipilities that declare they are "lgbt-free zones" and takes photos of the lgbt people who live there in front of these signs

many homophobic poles refer to lgbt as "ideology". even polish president, andrzej duda during the campaign said that "lgbt are not people" and "lgbt is neo-marxist ideology". he wasn't the only one - the ruling party that supports him (pis) many times told the media that they agree with his words. one of the representatives, przemysław czarnek have recently told that "lgbt and nazism have the same roots" and a month ago he told the media: "let's not pretend we care about human rights. these people [lgbt] are not equal to normal people".

one year ago, polish archbishop marek jędraszewski while giving a sermon in church, warned about the "rainbow plague" and said: "there was a red plauge [reference to communism]. now there is a new plague, a rainbow one but it will be gone".

few days ago, activists from stop bzdurom (stop bullshit) put rainbow flags on some monuments, including jesus and a minfesto. all of the pis politicians told that it's a "profanation", the prime minister put a light under the monument. the activists were detained by the police and charged, they may face up to two years of inprisonment due to "insulting religious feelings".

update: on august 7th, one of the activists, margot has been arrested for 2 months because of damaging a car with homophobic slogans. this led to many protests. the police couldn't take margot to the station, because the protesters sat on the road, in front of the police car. after that, police cordoned them and began to scatter the crowd. after that, they started to detain not only protesters, but also random people who went by at that time. they also cordoned the monument of jesus christ with the number of officers.

lgbt people (and now not only them) fear to wear any rainbow clothes or accessories as they might to get beaten or threatened. even if you're straight and cis but as a man look or act a little feminine, you may be in danger while in public. in polish law there's no such thing as "homophobic/transphobic hate crime" or "hate crime motivated by sexual orientation/gender identity" so the victims have to prove that e.g. they're gay so the violance affected them and were addressed to them.

according to ilga europe, poland is the most homophobic country in the european union. The index checks the law and is not based on any polls.

last year, polish state television (tvp) aired and uploaded on YouTube really homophobic (and generally anti-lgbt) documentary called "the invasion". In january, polish court ordered the broadcaster to take it down.

according to campaing against homophobia, 70% of LGBTA youth in Poland has suicidal thoughts, 50% of them has symptoms of depression. 69% of lgbta people encountered violence, 64% of them experienced verbal abuse. less than 4% of lgbta people who experienced violence motivated by homophobia and/or transphobia reported it to the police. Only 25% of mothers and 12% of fathers fully accepts the orientation of LGBTA people from their family. - Situation of LGBTA Persons in Poland, 2015-2016 REPORT

On June 10th, 2020, during the presidential campaign, Andrzej duda signed "the family card" which, among other things, would protect the children from "lgbt ideology" and ban adoptions by gay people - in polish law only marriages and single people (they can stay in a relationship, but in the eyes of law they're single as there's no such thing as a civil partnership) can adopt kids, so the court would check if the person is in (informal!) same-sex relationship or not.

transgender people in poland face many problems: they have to sue their parents if they want to correct their gender and name, and the court might either pass the sentence or refuse to do so - it depends on the evidence such as medical diagnosis and witness statements. only after the gender is officialy corrected, a person may undergo the gender confirmation surgery as the medical diagnosis is not enough. there is also a thing called "conscience clause" so the doctor may refuse to make diagnosis to the person because of their personal beliefs.

"the rainbow" was an artistic construction on the savior square in warsaw from 2012 to 2015 - it was vandalized several times and burnt 7 times. "the rainbow" is a symbol of fight for lgbt rights in poland and problems lgbt people have to face in the society.

last year, the students of university of silesia in katowice made a complaint about one of the professors who was homophobic, anti-abortion and anti-lgbt+. Once she compared contraception to abortion, the other time she told them: "women who use iud give birth to children with antennae on their heads". in june, the students were interrogated by the police for many hours (they asked more than 70 questions to one of the students) with the help of lawyers from ordo iuris - far-right and ultra-catholic organization which, among others, want to ban divorce, homosexuality, sex education and abortions completely.

note: Do not donate to!
The donations they ask for do not go to the causes but to themselves